
The Inner Growth Center prepares and organizes pilgrimages to India.
This is a path that leads you to places Sacred for all humanity and which preserve the spiritual vibrations of the Masters who have trodden and lived in those places.

A trip to India represents, for those who hear it, a journey of memory.
An ancient memory that belongs to the riches of the soul, hosted existence after existence in a body.

The journey will take you to where you are ready to go.
You will be accompanied, supported, but only you can decide to travel inside your being, experiencing unique inner states because they are personal and intimate.

You will bring all of yourself to live, see, feel, the hospitality of this people and feed on ambrosia for the spirit.
You will never be left alone on the physical and subtle plane.
If you feel ready you just have to look for me and I will lead you into the depths of your being to reach the highest peaks of your self-awareness.

Looking for me does not guarantee your participation in the trip ….
I bring with me only those who WANT to experience a spiritual contact with themselves in the most authentic and sincere way.

If you are interested, send us an email to or call this number +39 380 3480602.

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